Sunday, July 12, 2009

Biking Around and Free Vegetables

Before going out for another bike ride and have some Sunday shopping with friends, I'll leave a quick post. Yesterday, I biked 8 miles to meet with a couple friends just so we could run around the lake. I am so jealous they live so near. Rea and Del also climbed Mt. Fuji with me last year. They are going again this month! While Rea has been regularly running for a year already, Del does not run at all so he just biked along. Rea got busy around April and stopped running to focus on work (like me, they are also IT Engineers). Yesterday was her first run since April and she got really tired 30 minutes into the run so we had to walk the rest of the course. Goes to show how running should be a regular thing if one wants to maintain endurance. She promised we'll run the entire lake perimeter next time so I'm hoping this will be a regular weekend workout. We'll see.

{Lake: Pic From Google}

As if my veggie supply is not enough, I've been getting free veggies from workmates. Some of the people I work with have farms and they sometimes share their harvests with us. I have received the biggest reddest tomatoes, potatoes, and melons in the past. This week, I received another big bag of potatoes. It was just too much I had to share the rest with friends. Hahaha!

{Unfamiliar (for me) Melons}

The melons I received before where not the usual melons that I know of. It was my first time to try these and I didn't know how to cook them. They told me these were pickled. Having no pickling skills at all, I just randomly added them to soups, sliced and ate them just like cucumbers, and added them in sandwiches for the crunch. I'm still alive so I guess that was okay. :P Have you tried pickling? What fruit/veggie have you tried for the first time recently?


  1. This isn't super exciting, but I recently tried raw corn for the first time - I always thought you had to cook it first, but surprisingly the raw corn flavor is very similar, still very sweet and delicious!

  2. thats so cool that your friends have farms and give you free veggies!

  3. That's the first time I saw that melon. It looks cool! I wonder how it will taste like pickled...what about as a cold soup?

  4. Completely agree about resting when your body calls for it. I hope your run was good if you managed it!

    Getting free veggies and fruit from friends with farms sounds like the best deal ever! Lucky you!

  5. Hey Mia!

    I've never picked anything, but DUDE- you climbed Mt. Fuli?! +10 cool points :)

  6. I haven't tried picking yet!

    The lake looks beautiful! I love your bike/run combo. And yes, running has to happen often to keep up the endurance! I learned that the hard way!

  7. those melons look so cute and small! it sounds like you had a beautiful summer day in the fresh air. nothing is better than that!

  8. Hi! Thanks for dropping by my blog! Do you live in Japan right now? That's awesome; I lived in Tokyo pretty much my entire life. I've never seen those melons though... and don't know a thing about pickling though my grandma/mom/aunt pickle things all the time.
    Keep up the weekend workouts, the runs will get easier and easier!

  9. Free veggies, lucky! Haven't tried pickling yet but it's on my list of things to do.

    - Sagan

  10. Those melons are cute haha...they look like cucumbers
