Monday, July 20, 2009

Weekend Wii + Wee Bit of Sleep

I'm suffering from the Manic Monday Syndrome right now. I can't wait for the workday to end so I could nap, try a new eggplant dish, and go for an evening walk, then SLEEP. My weekend in bullets:

. Found some great produce Saturday morning.
. Made new friends and bonded over Wii, faith, books, and good conversation. This might become a Saturday Evening Socials kind of thing. They even created my own Mii! :P
. Nibbled on freshly baked brownies and okra tempura at said socials. Would love to try making the tempura with my okra but the heat is killing me.
. Ruined my optimal sleep streak by Wii-ing way past midnight. It was my first time playing it. I'm so behind, I know. :s Although it was fun, I'd still prefer real exercise any day of the week. You a Wii fan?
. Slept over at Rea's but couldn't really fall asleep. Hate it when that happens. Before I knew it, the sun was up and we had to go out for the scheduled run.
. Completed the entire lake loop on Sunday morning. Even if Rea opted to bike instead, I still pushed for a run.
. Learned about how a friend's eating habits are significantly different from mine. It's not a matter of who's right or wrong. As I don't like being judged for what I eat, I accept that what works for me doesn't necessarily work for others.
. Biked around to parts of the city I've never been to. Spent the rest of Sunday at the mall where I drank good coffee and snacked endlessly. Checked out running gear and bought some fun and soon to be tested snackies. :P
. Got rained on my ride back home but it did not bother me. It was a refreshing break from the heat.

That's it. It was a fun Wiikend and my only regret is not sleeping early last night. Now, I certainly feel like crashing. Must not underestimate the power of rest again!

{Hope this relaxing image helps me last the day. :P}

Here's to a great weekend! Unlike me, I hope you balanced all the fun with enough rest in preparation for the new week.


  1. freshly baked brownies and tempura? sounds good! And a Wiikend sounds really fun too, though I'm sorry abt the lack of sleep.
    But altogher, you sure had a great active weekend!

  2. Mmmmm brownies. The wii is fun! Funny that it's so addicting :)

    - Sagan

    PS Your blog title "runs and rests" is so catchy that for much of my running-filled weekend I kept thinking about the phrase, hehe.

  3. Sorry you missed out on your sleeps but wii is super fun so I think that more than makes up for it!! Yay!

    The browies sound gooood. I need to get baking this week!

    Also, I love discovering new bits of the city on my bike - so much fun and so different to exploring on foot (or in a car - bleugh)

    Happy monday!

  4. Sounds like a very busy and fun weekend!

    I love playing the Wii. I don't substitute it for exercise but I find the games really fun - especially tennis!

  5. Why are Mondays so hard.... and why does Saturday seem so far away....?
    When I first read it, I thought you were eating brownies that had okura tempura in it! haha, I wonder how THAT would taste!

  6. I hate when friends judge how I eat too! I hope they were not too rude to you :\

  7. sounds like a wonderful weekend! the crazy packed ones like that always make me appreciate the quiet ones too. :)

  8. The bullet:

    ". Learned about how a friend's eating habits are significantly different from mine. It's not a matter of who's right or wrong. As I don't like being judged for what I eat, I accept that what works for me doesn't necessarily work for others."

    I can totally relate to this. I think that no one should be judged for what they eat-- to each his own!!

  9. Wii parties are the best! My husband and I never play by ourselves, but when you have a lot of people over it's such a cheap, fun activity!
