Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I never saw it coming.

It was not in my list of things to do on Tuesday. It just happened. I had initially planned on a 3 miler since it looked like it was going to rain any time soon. At 1.5 miles, it seemed like it would not rain though so I decided to go for 5 miles instead. Maybe it was that I was feeling great that I did not turn back at the 2.5 mile mark but ran ahead some more. It was then and there that I wanted to make this run a complete 10K. I was running at a slow but steady pace though so no burn out and pains for me. :P At the last mile, the rains fell and I enjoyed cooling down a bit. I certainly did not see myself running 10K without music but I did thanks to Karena's suggestion. After my run, I did a lot of stretches. Even if I was not feeling hungry, I had a little bread, tofu, and banana for my post run eats. All the tips and suggestions you shared are very much appreciated and I don't think I could have done it without your help!

{Ready To Run}

I am the type of person who knows what I am capable of when I set my mind on doing it but I really did not see myself running. I know I am just a beginner with a lot more miles to run (and things to learn) but my only wish is that this running thing will become a regular part of my life.

Today is a well deserved rest day. I have already replenished my bananas, kabocha, and veggie supply for the week. Then I'll take a bike ride to the post office later in the afternoon. I have always liked doing errands, how about you? I get to accomplish a task while being on the move. Have a great day! :D


  1. Yay!!! So glad you had a great run!! I frequently find that my runs that are shorter than 4 miles are the hardest, and once you go past that point, it gets to be the point where you get a runners high and just start to FLY! Happy running!

  2. I love to run errands too! Especially if one of those errands involves a trip to the grocery store and lots of goodies. Errands are best run by myself I think though, because I can go at my own pace--speed thru the errand I don't like and slug through the errand I love. Don't you agree?

  3. I love biking to do errands's nice to feel productive in a good, healthy way. :D

    Great job on the run! :D

  4. That's awesome that you ended up running a 10k! It sounds like you're hooked ;) Ditto Val's comment - I've found that it's SO easy to get into the zone after 4 or 5 miles...that's when time/miles just seem to fly!

  5. I love this post.
    I have been running since I was 14 (10 years!) and still hope to be able to keep running part of my regular life. It's certainly a challenge, and being able to get up and run a 10k is nothing short of awesome. Congrats and keep it up!!

    Mel @ She Runs Brooklyn

  6. Hey Mia! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I like your blog too, as it's very relevant to my interests of running and living a healthy life. I'll definitely be stopping by again!

    What you talk about here is exactly what I love about running: anyone can do it, there's a level of running to suit anyone from beginner to veteran, and if you listen to your body it will tell you it's okay to push yourself out of your comfort zone and suddenly you've gone farther than you ever have before.

  7. Wow, what a great run, and without music to boot!

    You should be so proud of yourself! :D

  8. Wow, good for you! We can do SO MUCH when we put our minds to it.

    - Sagan

  9. WAY TO GO!!! That's so great that you just kept running and listening to your body! That's what I'm going to try and do for the month of July, rather than SCHEDULING runs I'm just going to hit the trail and listen to my body!!

  10. haha, the only errand I like is grocery shopping.
    Yay for the extra spontaneous run! I'm sure you're feeling much refreshed!

  11. Well done, that's so great! I'm waiting for the day where I can run six miles without has to come sooner rather than later!
