Wednesday, June 24, 2009

You are beautiful. Smile!

Today could not have been more beautiful.

I had healthy delicious meals. Udon, mizuna, sprouts, tofu, with loads of sesame seeds for breakfast. Sweet potato (with a generous sprinkling of cinnamon) and fish for lunch. Avocado, banana, yogurt, and raisins on a soy milk bread roll for dinner. Dark chocolate and mixed nuts for snack. At the grocery, I got kabocha and over a dozen bananas! Even if I knew I still had 6 more in the freezer, I always feel like I need to buy more when I see them. Tell me this also happens to you. :P What single fruit/veg/food do you always NEED to have in your pantry? The evening was hot and humid but I managed to knock off my long run for the week. I missed my marker so my scheduled 4.5 miler ended up being a 5 miler. Ooops!

All of those things mentioned above made my day lovely. But today was not only about ME. What made my day more special was that I was (hopefully) able to make someone else smile. I was on an operation to spread positive body image by posting random notes in public places today. I decided on cutting pictures from an old magazine because recycling always ups the coolness factor of anything, right? :P

{"You are beautiful. Smile!" in Nihongo.}

The first one was posted at the washroom of the grocery I went to today. I was afraid it would be taken down immediately since Japanese toilets are always kept clean and spotless. When I went back later in the afternoon (and bought additional bananas!), the post was still there! :P Hopefully, the note made a Wednesday shopper's day brighter.

{Pretty Pictures; Beautiful Message}

At this book store/arcade I went to, a bunch of grade school girls would always drop by and hang around after school. They would usually buy water/tea/fruit juice from the vendo while they chat and laugh. When they grab a drink from the vendo, I hope the post makes them smile.

{A drink: 120 Yen. A smile: Priceless.}

If you were to write and post a note for yourself, what would it say? What would your message to other women be?


  1. AWwwww I love the vending machines!! I would always get the delicious ice cold coffees from them :) Are you getting annoyed how I always talk about my time in Japan on here??? :D:D:D

  2. I HAVE to have kabocha. I buy 4 big ones a week. If I don't have kabocha, I freak out. Because, kabocha is my life, my love. haha
    Message to myself and other women: Love yourself, and love others :-)

  3. Awesome job on the accidental 5 miler!! Lately I've been on a snap pea kick...but the one thing that's always, without fail in my fridge - a bag of salad...for those lazy days! You can also find a bunch of bananas on the counter on any given day :)

  4. Wow, I think I really need to hop on this kabocha bandwagon!!! I still havent tried it. Once I finally get one I'll have to ask you how to prepare it ;) since squash can be tricky!

    I go through spurts, but right now I HAVE to have TONS AND TONSSSSS of spinach (for Green Monsters, of course!!), bananas, Silk light vanilla soy milk, and a selection of bars (Luna, Odwalla, etc)!

  5. your notes are going on tomorrow!! :)

  6. wow- I just found your blog and think it is so awesome about the notes you posted! I am posting my own notes at the gym today on the scale and will make a post on my blog! It is so cool how we are really capable of inspiring women EVERYWHERE!

    Congrats on the 5 miler!

  7. iowagirleats: I love comments! You can talk about your time in Japan all you want. :D

    burpandslurp: Wow! I also love kabocha but I don't think I can go through 4 in a week. LOL!

    Karena: Yay for bananas!

    Val: You should try kabocha!:D

    Caitlin: Thanks for posting my notes.

    bHealthier: Thanks! It's Caitlin's idea, isn't it awesome?
